Sunday 21 July 2013

Wiener Wasserleitungsweg

Apparently in Austria sometimes there are work outings, I suspect possibly just excuses to use spare department money for wine. Anyway, this year for the first time my department had one, where we went for a brief walk in the sun along the path named in the title of this post. After a short time we ended up in the picturesque and wine-filled town of Gumpoldskirchen to enjoy the fruits of its labours and tonnes of very fatty spreads on bread. This is what one does in Gumpoldskirchen.

After the wine drinking was over and everyone was setting out for the somewhat infrequent trains back to Vienna, I decided that I hadn't had enough of the Wasserleitungsweg, and headed off for another hour and a bit, walking through sunset and finally stopping when it was basically too dark to continue. I eventually blundered my way to a train station and went home, much refreshed.

Perhaps I should mention, the Wasserleitungsweg is a path along the slopes at the edge of the Vienna basin which follows the route of one of the large aqueducts that provide Vienna with its famous water. As you were perhaps aware, almost all viennese water is springwater from the alps, piped in two vast aqueducts towards Vienna, the first of which is 140 years old. It is 95km long and the water drops through 270m over its course, meaning that absolutely no pumping is required! The water from a spring in the vicinity of the Schneeberg in the alps delivers around 62 million cubic kilometers of water a year (just over 50% of all the water needed/used) according to the wikipedia article, which is only available in German.

As is traditional, please enjoy the photos I took of the sunset over the vineyards (which I persist in trying to call winegardens even in english nowadays) by clicking on a linky thing.

Der Tom

Todays PS highlights an absolutely incredible installment of NASA's image of the day feature, a photo shot by a crewmember on the international space station showing a view of storm clouds over the atlantic ocean. It is my current desktop, you shall see why!!!

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